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On Fear

"The fear bites like the cold of Winter.

I tremble and lose all sense of control.

It has finally come to get me.

I have no disguise to keep it at bay.

Resist or Surrender!

It’s too strong to fight.

I give in.

It envelops me like a mist

seeping into the fullness of my being.

I AM fear

Fear IS me.

And just like that, it releases its grip.

All it was asking was to be felt fully – to take up space.

I am free now.

I can breathe."

In the deepest parts of each of us is a longing to be seen, to be heard. and to matter.  We go about our lives looking for these things from the people around us, and when we don’t get these needs met, we react.  Our reactions separate us.  We become victim or victor, winner or loser.  Driven by a need to protect our fragile egos from feeling discounted, we create wars with the world around us.  We scream. We yell. We protest. After all, don’t we deserve to be acknowledged for who we really are?

What if the very things we are looking for from others can only ever be truly met by ourselves.  What if to feel seen, heard, and understood means acknowledging our felt perceptions, our sensations. and our emotions and attending to them with affection.  What if radical self-acceptance looks like granting ourselves permission to feel everything and to turn toward ourselves, rather than looking the other way.  What if the journey of a lifetime is the inside one. What if the knock on the door is our longing asking to come home after a long exodus.  What if the answer to all of our internal struggle is to sit with, breathe with and grant our emotions safe passage through us.

What if we hold the key to that door?  What if all we need to do is invite ourselves in, and greet ourselves with fierce gentleness and curiosity?  The person you have been longing  for, has always been YOU.

Sit with Me, Be with Me, Feel Me, Hold Me

For only then can I move through you and be free.

Only then will you experience the depth and fullness of your beauty.

With Love,


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