We hosted our monthly Ashoka retreat this past Saturday and we wanted to share about our vision for creating the experience.
Ashoka holds a special energy and we felt called to hold monthly retreats to bring people together in commUnity with nature, with each other and with themselves. It is an opportunity to be in Divine community with beautiful souls that are looking for a richer and deeper experience in life. After all, we are all just walking each other home.
Between us exists this beautiful synergy of the masculine and feminine, and as we teach together the invitation to weave these aspects of ourselves into harmony is palpable.
Our retreats are fertile ground for us to share our experiences and weave together our lived learning in service of the whole.
As we come together in song, through conscious movement , and meditation we heal from the inside out, in commUnion with nature, with each other, and with our soul. Each Ashoka retreat provides an opportunity to connect more deeply with the Divine and live more fully from a place of unconditional love.
Our retreats serve as an opportunity to gather in community and immerse ourselves in the wisdom practices that call us home to the essence of who we really are.
Each retreat are based upon an overarching theme, that allows us to explore different facets of our journey to our higher self. Each facet moves and changes with the seasons and lead us to new forms of self-discovery.
Our most recent retreat was focused on abundance, with the belief that we're already living in a place of abundance. It's about shifting our perspective to realize; it's not happening to us, it's happening for us. Our reality is always subjective so we can choose to come from a place of lack or a place of abundance.
Thank you all for being a part of our community - we are so grateful to be on this journey with all of you.
With Love,
Chris, Nikki + Jacqueline